WiSE Theme Program

Branding and graphic design

WiSE (Women in Science and Engineering) is a dorm theme program at UC Berkeley. I was a resident from 2013 - 2014 and designed the program's first-ever logo, as well as assets for the annual career conference.

The WiSE Logo

The WiSE logo sprang from my desire to create an emblem, something of a rallying cry for the residents of the theme program. No one actually asked for it. I simply created it one day, showed it to a friend, and suddenly, we were putting it on our sweaters and banners, and using it to recruit people during student visit day.

Inspired by dance team insignias, pirate flags, and chalked symbols that appeared on campus walls from time to time, I wanted to create something that we could use to form an identity as a community. Something with an urban flair.

Creating the Career Conference Logo

Wise ONE is an annual career conference organized and hosted by the WiSE residents, focused on industry insights and female empowerment. Wise ONE.2 was the event's second anniversary. We worked together to bring in a wide variety of speakers, from an engineer at Tesla to Danielle Feinberg of Pixar.

I wanted the logo for this event to reflect the three core tenets of the conference: Outreach, networking, and empowerment. The end result was ultimately a rendering of the name, with a globe surrounded by stylized arms linked hand-in-hand. The color accent (originally salmon) was changed to lavender to match the decor of the event. The logo was used in various promotional materials, gift bags, pens, and name tags.